Various property professionals within the various sectors of property including:
Yes, this search is available Australia-wide and identifies telecommunication cables from all known carriers such as Telstra, Optus, UEComm, AAPT and PowerTel and a number of other providers. The information contained in the search result will only be as accurate as the information kept by the relevant companies/providers.
Note: Power cables won’t appear in the search result; an independent search(s) should be completed to identify their location.
The search is usually completed within 3-5 business days and is returned to the nominated email address. However some searches may take longer to complete for instance, properties that are in remote locations etc.
Please contact your usual search provider such as Citec, GlobalX, InfoTrack, Dye and Durham for up to date costs.
Please submit a Telco Cable Search order for each and every Lot on Plan you require when ordering via your preferred search provider (Citec, GlobalX, InfoTrack, Dye and Durham).
For explanations of terms or concepts used in the Telco Cable Search, please contact Telco Cable Searches, we will be happy to assist you.
Yes, a title search does identify easements such as a right of passage over a neighbour’s land or waterway. However, easements aren’t required for telecommunication cables and therefore they will not appear on a title search. Cables are hidden underground and without a cable search how would you know they existed?
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